Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie written by Jordan Sonnenblick is about a normal family that doesn't stay so normal. A 13 year old boy, Steven Alper, has his life flipped upside down when his little brother, Jeffery, contracts leukemia. Steven Alper was a normal boy who had a crush on a girl and was in the school band. Jordan Sonnenblick makes this book pull all of your heart strings. He can make you be happy, sad, mad, and completely thrown off guard.
I would recommend this book to young readers because it shows them that you never know what is going on at someone's home so it's not your place to bully or be mean to them. I truly loved this book, it taught me so much and made me feel all different types of ways. In 8th grade our school had Jordan Sonnenblick come to our school and talk to us. I specifically asked him about Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie. He told me that it was written about a student he had in his class who went through almost this exact situation. I think you should try to read this book whenever you can because it's a great book to pass the time with. I can guarantee that you will love it. Recommended by Mary Kate W. Sound like a book you'd enjoy? Click here to order it through the CCLS catalog!
AuthorAll of the reviews on this page were written by Avon Grove Library teen volunteers and edited by the Teen Volunteer Coordinator. ArchivesCategories